Location Information

  • Cougar RV Park and Campground
  • 16730 Lewis River Road, Cougar, WA, 98616 US

Register Today!

The option to bring your vehicle is sold out! Please inquire about rideshares or a waitlist!

Because of limited parking in the event campground we are selling only 50 tickets that include parking to encourage carpooling. For example, if you are traveling in a group of two, one of you needs to a ticket for camping and parking ($65) and the other person only needs a ticket for camping ($50). If parking sells out, independently reserving a site in the adjacent Lone Fir Inn is an option. Children 16 and under are free and do not need a ticket or to register.

If you are registering more than one guest please first fill out the registration field for yourself. You will be able to add more registrants before submitting your payment.

If you need to cancel your registration there will be a $5 cancellation fee.

  • SOLD OUT! Please select a carpool or independent lodging option!!! Entrance to the event, camp, and one vehicle in our group campground.

  • Entrance to the event and camping space in the group campground, but no vehicle entrance to group campground.

  • Entrance to the event, but no camping or vehicle entrance to the campground. Alternate lodging options include the adjacent Lone Fir Resort or dispersed camping in the national forest. Parking options can be found on the Oregon Grotto website. Or choose this option for a 3- or 4-Day pass.

  • Entrance to the event on a single day. Day parking options can be found on the Oregon Grotto Website.

  • Entrance to the event for two days. Day parking options can be found on the Oregon Grotto Website. For 3 or more days please choose the No Camping option.




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